I too am getting in on the bandwagon! Some of you may ask, "What about that Mastermind post, wasn't that you making an assassin?"
No. That was a Mastermind. A plotter and a schemer, sheathed in silks. This class is for someone who works with their hands. See other entries here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
It makes extensive use of flip templates. You get an ability that looks "Like // This" and initially you have the first half of the template. But there is some specific trigger that will flip you to the second half, causing you to have that ability instead. You have to do some other thing to flip back to the first version.
Starting Equipment: A knife. Three throwing darts. A concealing cloak over normal boring clothing. A hiding place nearby with all of the prior items in it, plus either a rifle or a vial of poison.
Starting Skill: Theology, Literature or Camping.
A. Escape // Artist
B. Sneak // Attack
C. Competition
D. Uncanny // Dodge
Escape: You may flip this template to Artist at any time in order to immediately run, jump and/or climb 30 feet. This even works on other people's turns. If you interrupt an attack, spell or hazard with this ability and move out of range, dodge all negative consequences.
Artist: If you are in a place that you are allowed to be, strangers must test Morale to approach you or needlessly prolong conversation. If you are trespassing, your presence is considered an emergency on par with a roaming tiger. Flip back to Escape once you go an hour without anyone making noise louder than a whisper in your presence.
Sneak: You make no noise when you run, jump, climb or attack with a melee or thrown weapon. If you use Escape upon being noticed and get to cover using your 30 feet of movement, you go unnoticed. You may choose to flip to Attack (or not) whenever you attack unexpectedly.
Attack: The attack that flipped you to this template forces a Save vs. Death. On failure, those with fewer HD than you die. Those with equal or greater are stunned for one round. Flip back to Sneak after you dispose of the weapon(s) and the clothing used during the special attack.
Competition: Upon gaining this template, an equally skilled assassin decides that you need to be eliminated. Their reasons are their own, but they will expound upon them at length via a letter sent to you. If you kill this assassin, you may learn an exotic special technique that your rival in vital commerce once possessed and gain a reprieve of 1d4-1 seasons before a new assassin decides to come after you. The GM should feel free to draw on the other Assassin classes linked above for ideas on what these guys can do.
Uncanny: If someone seeks to find, trick, rob or protect you, you get a bad feeling. This does not tell you which of the options it is or who is responsible. Flip to Dodge if you would be killed, captured or worse. The GM decides what counts as 'worse'.
Dodge: You awaken from a nightmare, a day prior to the events that caused you to flip to this ability. None of it actually happened. Flip back to Uncanny once you kill the one responsible for your nightmare self's fate or convincingly fake your own death.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
[GLOG] Assassin
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[GLOG] Psion
Special : This class uses what I'm calling XYZ templates. The idea is simple: By default, you advance through this class from A to B to ...
The Treasury of Skillful Methods was once a school of war wizards, esteemed across the realm for their masterful blending of swordplay with...
I too am getting in on the bandwagon! Some of you may ask, "What about that Mastermind post, wasn't that you making an assassin?...
Druid Starting Equipment: Spear, sharp rock, tanned animal hide bag. Pick a specific beast for the animal hide to be from. +1 Stealth at ev...
"or protect you" is a really good addition.