Saturday, June 1, 2024

[GLOG] Cleric

A: Piety, Smite
B: Miracles
C: Command
D: Doctrine

Piety: Choose a number from 1 to 6 for your Piety. You cannot roll less than 3 + Piety on reaction rolls from people who hold your deity in high regard. Whenever you would violate a precept of your god, there is a Piety in six chance that you cannot bring yourself to do so. This applies even if you are tricked or coerced. If magic is involved, you instantly shake it off. If you successfully break a precept, reduce your Piety by one. This CAN go negative, if you keep breaking precepts.

Smite: If you see a creature violate one of your god's precepts, you get +1 to damage on your next successful attack against it per precept violated. This applies at most once per encounter with the creature.

Miracles: Rather than casting spells, Clerics perform miracles. They get one Miracle Die per precept of their god that they have put effort into advancing since their last miracle, up to a maximum of one less than their Cleric templates. Doubles and higher do not cause mishaps or Dooms; instead any witnesses can choose to set their Piety (or obtain a Piety) stat equal to the number rolled. If a Cleric of a rival god does this, they convert and use your God's miracles and precepts. Miracle Dice otherwise work exactly like Magic Dice do.

Command: When you recruit hirelings, you can always find ones that share your faith and are willing to accept half wages on that basis. They have a Piety equal to half your own, rounded up. If an action would break a precept, roll once for everyone and reduce their Piety if anyone breaks a precept. If this drops their Piety drops to zero, they start demanding full pay.

Doctrine: Make up two rules. They can be whatever you want. These count as precepts for you and anyone you cause to gain Piety. Hirelings obtained via Command will believe that these are exactly as important as the other precepts of your faith and you can get Miracle Dice for following these made up rules. These rules only take effect once you make a big public speech proclaiming their importance.

Each god has four basic precepts and grants their cleric three unique miracles. For example:

Zeus Precepts:
1. Uphold Hospitality.
2. Punish Oath Breakers.
3. Defend Holy Places.
4. Get Zeus Laid.

Zeus Miracles:
1. Thunderbolt.
2. Polymorph.
3. Divine Might.

Lolth Precepts:
1. Obey Powerful Women.
2. Recruit Servants.
3. Betray Weaklings.
4. Hurt Non-Drow.

Lolth Miracles:
1. Enthrall.
2. Darkfire.
3. Summon Spider.

Face-Biter Mike Precepts:
1. Bring Mike Loot.
2. Kill Mike's Rivals.
3. Simplify Matters.
4. Don't Give Up.

Face-Biter Mike Miracles:
1. Ice Breath.
2. Divine Might.
3. Contact Dragon.

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