Friday, May 31, 2024

Three Elf Kins [Nixie, Tossiche & Trute]

 If you are unfamiliar with Gorinich's Elf class over on The Whimsical Mountain, go read that before reading this.


Good. Have a trio of Elf Kins to celebrate.


Heartspell: Water Breathing
R: touch T: one or more creature(s) D: [sum] hours
You grant any number of creatures touched the ability to breathe underwater, dividing the duration between them as you see fit. If used on a creature that breathes water already, it instead gains the ability to breathe air.

Equipment: Waxed pouch, simple knife, a ration of horse meat
Starting Skill (1d3): Singer, Sailor, Ostler.
Favored Environment: Remote coastlines, babbling brooks and mountain lakes.

First Gift: Webbed hands and feet and big fish-like eyes. You can swim as fast as you can run and see through murky water as if it were clear. Language does not Tether you while you are underwater. You need to drink twice as much water each day in order to keep from getting thirsty.

Second Gift: Scales coat your body while in the water, disappearing once out. Your teeth grow sharp and pointed no matter where you are. You can reverse Water Breathing into Drown, causing a kissed creature to take [sum] damage from asphyxiation.

Third Gift: While underwater, every part of your body turns into the corresponding body part for a brightly colored, human-sized fish. Any part of your body outside the water stays human. You can no longer tolerate dairy, grains or leaves as food. Your bite is a medium weapon and you have gills now.

Fourth Gift: Your hands and feet elongate and elaborate fins sprout across your body even while outside the water. You can set a condition under which your Water Breathing spell will reverse into Drown on its own, doing damage equal to the remaining duration of the spell.


Heartspell: Poison
R: touch T: container D: permanent
Create [sum] drops of poison, which causes [dice] symptoms for one round per drop consumed. Save negates. Available symptoms include: blindness, confusion, fatigue, inability to speak, inability to stand, intense pain and/or one damage per round. The poison looks and smells like honey, but tastes awful.

Equipment: Hooded cloak, length of rope, big jar of pickles.
Starting Skill (1d3): Beekeeper, Guttersnipe, Miner.
Favored Environment: Dripping caverns, abandoned wells and the king's dungeons.

First Gift: Your nails grow into four little claws and your ears become sharp and shaggy. You can can sense all hollow spaces within ten feet of you, just by the feel of the air. Traditionally clandestine vocations (executioner, cultist, spy, adulterer, secret policeman, etc.) do not Tether you to Culture.

Second Gift: Your eyes shrink down into little beady raisins and your ears grow long and triangular. The claws on your hands and feet become hollow like serpent fangs and can store a drop of poison each. When you hit someone with one of your claws, you decide how much of which poison(s) to inject.

Third Gift: You are blind, but can navigate dark, quiet spaces with echolocation as well as most people could with a torch. Anyone yelling or fighting makes it too loud to hear where anything is. You can nimbly climb up rough stone walls with your claws and prefer to sleep dangling upside down like a bat.

Fourth Gift: Your eyes completely disappear into your newly sprouted wool. You can now induce the following symptoms with your Poison spell: face blindness, berserk rage, vaulting ambition, gullibility, an impending sense of uttermost Doom and/or a corpse-like visage.


Heartspell: Animate Rope
R: 100' T: [sum] feet of cordage  D: [dice] commands
Target rope, string, thread or similar within range heeds your next [dice] one-word commands, with optional pointed finger. They gain the mobility of a similarly sized snake, the intelligence of a well-trained dog and the knot tying talents of a crew of sailors competing for a week of shore leave. "Entangle" and similar commands allow the victim a Save to evade.

Equipment: Commoner's clothing, 50' ball of yarn, 10 bagels on a 1' rope.
Starting Skill (1d3): Sailor, Chandler, Knitter.
Favored Environment: Mulberry bushes, underneath large rocks and in the knotholes of trees.

First Gift: Your hair and/or beard grows out to be at least three feet long, and is immune to unwanted tangling, cutting and grabbing. Messing around with knots does not Tether you to Tools or to Shelter.

Second Gift: You shrink down to three feet tall and your feet swell to thrice normal size. If you cast Animate Rope on your own hair/beard, it will obey [sum]+[dice] commands before falling still.

Third Gift: You shrivel down to two feet tall and weigh no more than a goose would. For every minute someone spends untying one of your knots, you need one fewer hour of sleep/once of food that day.

Fourth Gift: You shrink down to six inches tall and weigh as much as a leaf. If you command them to 'stay', your Animated Ropes magically resist being burnt/cut as if they were made out of steel wire.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

[GLOG] Camera Wizard

Perk: You have a magic camera with unlimited film, which you use to store spells in place of a spellbook. Getting a new camera costs as much as getting a new spellbook. If you expose the negatives inside the camera to bright lights, they crumble into dust.

Drawback: Even numbered spells below require you to take a photograph as you cast them. If your reflection is in the shot, you accidentally target yourself instead of whatever you intended to target with the spell.


-With ten minutes in a dark room and 1 silver in chemicals, you can develop a negative inside your camera into a glossy full color photograph.
-You can force everyone within line of sight to repeat a single word of your choice. It's the same word every time. 'Cheese' is traditional.
-You can make your eyes glow red at will. This will scare the shit out of most normal people the first time they see you do it.

 1. Conjure Pinhole
 2. Capture Spirit
 3. Illusion
 4. Flash
 5. Develop
 6. Fatal Frame
 7. Freeze Frame
 8. Capture Person
 9. Animate Portrait
10. Revision
11. Soul Gallery
12. Capture Scene

Conjure Pinhole - Opens a magical pinhole onto the far side of a wall (or other surface). It's too small to look through, but an image of whatever is on the brighter side will be projected (upside down and reversed) onto the opposing wall (or other surface) on the darker side. Lasts [sum] minutes. Not visible on the brighter side.

Capture Spirit - Photograph an immaterial being with fewer than [sum] hit points remaining, trapping them inside your camera. You can only trap one being per camera, but developing the film transfers the subject into the photograph instead. Breaking the camera or the photo releases them. Works on ghosts, illusions, air elementals and demons but not reflections.

Illusion - Pull an illusory copy of something out of developed photograph of that thing. It looks, sounds and behaves exactly as it did in real life, but is an intangible illusion that only lasts for [sum] minutes.

Flash - Creates a blinding flash. Anyone caught in it must Save vs. being blind for [sum] rounds. If Sum > 12, the duration is instead permanent. Photographs taken this way will show invisible things as if they were visible and magical things with a glowing aura.

Develop - Instantly develop up to [sum] photographs (spending the silver required for supplies in the process) while also creating a big billowing plume of purple smoke around yourself, 10 x [dice] feet in diameter. The smoke lasts an hour if not blown away first.

Fatal Frame - Does [sum] damage to a single target, no save. If you kill them, their soul gets trapped in your camera as per Capture Spirit. They cannot move on to the afterlife until you release them. This doesn't work on things that are already dead or were never alive to begin with.

Freeze Frame - Forces up to [sum] targets to smile and hold their current poses for [highest]+[dice] rounds. Ends immediately for everyone if anything not frozen enters the shot or if anyone frozen takes damage.

Capture Person - Target photographed disappears into your camera for [highest]+[dice] rounds. A successful Save allows the target to escape being photographed entirely. If you develop the film afterward, it will produce an animated (but inaudible) photograph of the subject.

Animate Portrait - An image of a creature comes to life for [sum] minutes and can be spoken to. Paintings and murals know what the artist knew of the subject, while photographs know what the subject knew of themselves. Either kind of portrait knows about things that happened directly in front of it. The portrait is only as cooperative as the original creature would be.

Revision - The photograph taken while casting this spell can be shaken up to [dice] times in order to revert everything caught in the shot back to its position (though not condition) as of the time the shot was taken. Anything that wasn't present gets flung out of frame to make room.

Soul Gallery - You join together up to [dice] photographs into a gallery which captures your innermost essence. Whenever you would be harmed in ways that would be visible in a photograph, you can transfer the harm to the photograph in the gallery instead. Keep track of these, because if you ever remove a picture from the gallery, you suffer any harm it is storing for you. You can cast this spell again to add more pictures, but only up to a maximum number equal to your [dice].

Capture Scene - Everything in the shot is sucked up into the camera, leaving behind a permanent cloud of opaque purple smoke where the scenery used to be. Living things can choose to go with the captured scenery (ending up in a pocket dimension within the camera) or to remain where they are (ending up in a smoke-filled crater where the scenery used to be). Breaking the camera or a printed photograph of the scene releases the trapped scene and everything inside of it. With a good view, this can steal miles.

1. MD only return to you pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
2. Take 1d6 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Jam. Can't cast spells or take photographs for 1d6 rounds.
5. Backfire. Blinded for 1d6 rounds.
6. Film unspools from camera. Save or be entangled.

1. Your reflection begins to silently conspire against you. It will hold up photographs and gesture to your enemies in order to do you harm.
2. Your reflection gains the ability to speak and move freely between mirrors. It will seek out your enemies and conspire with them.
3. Your reflection gains the ability to cast magic like you do. It seeks you out for a final confrontation, aiming to banish you into the mirror.

You may avert this Doom by finding a way to destroy your reflection before it can destroy you, or by hiding in a place without reflective surfaces.

Randomly Generating Evil Spirits

Let's start by defining some terms. An Evil Spirit is some sort of ghost, or demon or nebulous force of evil. They cannot be permanentl...